A website is one of the ways that a business can establish an online presence, cost-effectively. It makes your business visible to anyone who uses the internet from anywhere anytime.
Many businesses are joining the online community daily, establishing their presence.It may be because of the opportunities created by the internet to reach a wider market or simply because their competitors are already there, the reasons are many and vary from business to business.
The rise in the use the internet to search or buy products and services attracts many businesses to have an online presence or basically a business website.This creates high competition for the online customers for these customers ,the benefits of being online become difficult to realize, nevertheless, there are ways of making your business website stand out among your competitors.
Let ‘s look at the factors that you need to consider in creating a proper business website that will add significant value to your business.
Optimize your website for search engines

When internet users access the internet, usually they will be using search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc… to search for products, services or information that they may require at that moment.The goal of search engines is to match the user ‘s query with the relevant content/result.
Search engine optimization is using keywords (i.e words or phrases that your target audience is likely to use when searching for similar content as yours), as part of the development of your website.This ensures that the right people are directed to your website, those actively looking for your products or services.
You will need a Search Engine Optimization strategy that includes researching of the keywords, including them in your content , linking strategy and also incorporating the schema markup or structured data which serves to communicate with the search engine crawlers so they can pick up what your website is about.
Make sure your content is great and compelling
Good content on your website is what will determine whether the prospect client stays on your site and engage with you or they just move on to another website.Content includes words, images, and videos; it is wise to research about your target audience and find out the content that is appealing to them and provide them with just that.
Make your website responsive , especially mobile friendly
Responsiveness refers to the ability of the website to fit the screen-size of the user’s device retaining its look and functionality.Most internet users access it from mobile devices , which makes it necessary to make your website mobile friendly.
Google highly recommends that your website be mobile friendly, this will contribute to your ranking on SERPs.

Give your site a professional look and feel
The design of your website must be pleasing to the eye and also be professional.Match the colors of your brand and make use of good combination for those colors.Make sure your design fits your industry and target audience, for example, a clothing website would be proper to have images of clothes or related to fashion but not food.
Remember your website is part of your brand, so you should make sure its design and tone is aligned with your branding goals as well.
Improve your site ‘s load time and navigation
Avoid using large images or videos(in size) that will reduce the time it takes to load your pages, this might push visitors away (remember there are many other websites like yours that they may be viewing). Make sure it is easy for a user to move/navigate to any part or page of the site.Link to the right pages/content(the visitor must know where they are, where they are from and where they are going at any point in time they are on your site).
We believe a business website is the face of the business online, so it has to perfectly reveal the professional image of the business.This can only be achieved if the website is designed and developed well by experienced people. Our developers, designers and content writers are ready to work on a perfect solution for you.
CONTACT US, lets discuss your options.